A Happy New Year From WeGlide

Hey Folks, we wish you a happy new year from winter Germany 🎉 Even if we had no snow during Christmas, happy glider pilots got their gift in windy conditions. Some decent wave flights were made, congrats everyone! We hope you all had a good time between the years with your family and everyone you love.
What are your gliding goals in 2024? No matter if you plan your first 1000k, earn some badges with vintage gliders, or just try to fly every weekend - WeGlide is always by your side!
Scan your style of flying in under 5 minutes
You might already have heard of our all-new feature, the WeGlide Coach. But well, we are still amazed at how powerful Coach is! If you missed the announcement, you get all the important insights here:

While browsing through WeGlide, amazing Coach analysis pops into our eyes a lot. Just one of the many impressive things about WeGlide Coach - you can do a deep dive into everyone's flights, not just the ones done by yourself. And the best - analyzing with Coach is fast.
A short example. Let's take the stunning flight done by Jonas Meier. Last year, he did a big triangle and missed the 1000k only by 9 kilometers. Indeed, gliding is a complex sport with a lot of variables. But anyway, can the Coach find a pattern of Jonas' flying style, which he could improve quickly and easily?

Overall, this flight looks pretty well done. Regarding the Speed to Fly, Jonas flew quite optimally. But wait, what is the yellow circle at the top? By clicking on it, we get a suggestion from the Coach - he took too much water on this flight and would have been 1,8 km/h faster with a lighter glider. Jonas needed about 9,5 hours for this flight. By adding less water, he would have flown about 20 kilometers more. Surprisingly, 1000k was possible without changing his habits to fly the Ls8 neo on this day - thanks for this information Coach 🙏
We checked with Jonas, and he said that this is an important input for him and he will try to fly a bit lighter if the weather is not exceptionally good.
Well, this took way under five minutes, right? It has never been easier to analyze your flights without doing a deep dive into gliding mathematics. This work we already have done for you. Of course, the Coach gives similar tips to your speed to fly or thermaling skills. The best is that you can analyze your flights from the past as well if you still know your take-off weight. So, what about getting coached on a cozy evening on your couch and learning more about your habits in gliding? If you haven't tried it yet, here you get a 14-day free trial:
3143 km and Christmas stars
Oh yes, a lot of flying happened since the last Newsletter. Recently the first Namibian 1400k flights of this season were done by Simon Briel and Björn Gintzel. Norbert Scarlat & Justin Wills covered almost 2000k in New Zealand. Thomas Puthod flew 1200k on the day before Christmas Eve in the European Alps. Finally, Gordon Boettger beat his total Distance again. On the 5th of November, Gordon flew 3143 km in the Sierras and bet his record by 100 kilometers - congrats Gordon 🎉
We were happy to see some WeGlide art again, right before Christmas. Barbora Moravcova flew a beautiful star together with Klára Teichmannová - what a present to the WeGlide community!

We know, the time to make presents is over already. But what about making a post-Christmas present to yourself to start your new gliding year? Recently, we launched our WeGlide merchandise. We put a lot of effort into the back print design and the different colors of the hoodies. What is your favorite choice?

Manufacturer Insights
Have you got any questions on your mind regarding your favorite glider manufacturer? Well, maybe we answered some of these questions for you. Without a doubt, all the interviews are quite interesting to read, and you will have a great overview of the latest developments.
Do you want to know more about the new JS5 Open Class Ship and a possible double-seater from Jonkers Sailplanes?

Are you interested in Alexander Schleicher's new AS35, or their design philosophy in electric gliding?

Or do you want to get some insights about the latest developments at Schempp-Hirth and the new Ventus E?

We also did an interview with LZdesign about FES motors and Avionic about the new Diana 4. Check out our WeGlide Magazine.
If you would like to receive our articles directly by email, you can sign up for this in your profile:

Oops, what is this? Unfortunately, we can't tell you more at the moment. But for sure, it will be epic and another big step in the world of gliding 🔥 The whole team is working hard to present it to you soon - stay tuned!
Last but not least, we are happy to thank all our sponsors for supporting us this year. WeGlide would not be at this point without all of these companies. They support us on our mission to connect glider pilots worldwide. Make sure to check them out. Thanks a lot for this amazing journey together with you, guys!