Samuel Leihkamm Ready for the season with Copilot New satellite imagery, navigation features, aircraft marking, tasks, and airspace information now in Copilot.
Joshua Rieger A Happy New Year from WeGlide, Sebastian Kawa, and Klaus Ohlmann Sebastian Kawa shares his gliding adventure over K2. What’s new with the WeGlide Copilot? Find out all this and more in our latest newsletter.
Joshua Rieger Nederlandse Zweefvlieg Cup now on WeGlide We are proud to be the new host of the Dutch National Gliding Cup, NZC. Members of the national gliding committee encourage all pilots to join WeGlide.
Joshua Rieger Sebastian Kawa | Gliding Expedition to Pakistan Kawa has already won 18 gold medals at world championships. This year, he skipped the worlds. Why did Sebastian choose an expedition to Pakistan over the World Championship in Texas? Let's find out.
Joshua Rieger LS 4 Jet Neo Charter in Worcester How about a gliding vacation in South Africa? For less than 1000€/week you can charter the LS 4 Jet Neo from M&D in Worcester.
Joshua Rieger Adventure Tour | Gliding to Africa The Mountain Soaring team reports on their 10-day trip, carried out by four Tyrolean pilots with Stemme motor gliders.
Joshua Rieger NEW | Thermal Hotspots in WeGlide Copilot Ten million thermals and a motivated team. The result is a dynamic thermal hotspot map, now available in the Copilot App.
Michael Kost Der Countdown läuft | Die Vorbereitungen für den Grand Prix in Aalen laufen Ab dem 26. Mai misst sich die Elite des Segelflugsports am Himmel über der Schwäbischen Alb.
Joshua Rieger WeGlide Copilot | Real-time data on your phone After intensive work, we are introducing our new app. Copilot will make it easier for you to make strategic decisions in flight and boost your performance.
Joshua Rieger Stefan Langer | SteFly and Thoughts About Gliding A conversation about Red Bull, Netflix, Stefly's product range, and Schleichers new AS 33 Me.
Joshua Rieger SkySight | Five Questions to Founder Matthew Scutter We asked the brain of SkySight some Questions, just in time for the new season to start.
Michael Kost 2026 the Junior Worlds Will Take Place in Germany Luftsportring Aalen is awarded to host the World Junior Gliding Championships.
Philippe de Péchy Championnat de France des Clubs L'Espoir Aéronautique de Sarreguemines gagne pour la 6ème fois consécutive le Championnat de France des Clubs.
Philippe de Péchy Résultats de la 12ème manche Résultats de la 12ème manche du Championnat de France des Clubs FFVP 2022
Philippe de Péchy Résultats de la 11ème manche Résultats de la 11ème manche du Championnat de France des Clubs FFVP 2022
Philippe de Péchy Résultats de la 10ème manche Résultats de la 10ème manche du Championnat de France des Clubs FFVP 2022
Philippe de Péchy Résultats de la 8ème manche Résultats de la 8ème manche du Championnat de France des Clubs FFVP 2022
Philippe de Péchy Résultats de la 7ème manche Résultats de la 7ème manche du Championnat de France des Clubs FFVP 2022
Philippe de Péchy Résultats de la 6ème manche Résultats de la 6ème manche du Championnat de France des Clubs FFVP 2022
Philippe de Péchy Résultats de la 5ème manche Résultats de la 5ème manche du Championnat de France des Clubs FFVP 2022
Philippe de Péchy Résultats de la 4ème manche Résultats de la 4ème manche du Championnat de France des Clubs FFVP 2022.
Philippe de Péchy La 4ème Manche La 4ème manche du Championnat de France des Clubs FFVP se déroulera ce week-end, les 14 et 15 mai 2022.
Philippe de Péchy Résultats 3ème manche Résultats 3ème manche du Championnat de France des Clubs 2022 - 7 et 8 mai.
Philippe de Péchy Résultats de la 2ème manche 33 clubs ont participé à la manche qui s'est déroulée les 30 avril et le 1er mai. Trois clubs du Sud-Ouest trustent le podium!
Joshua Rieger Sebastian Kawa | Gliding Expedition to Pakistan Kawa has already won 18 gold medals at world championships. This year, he skipped the worlds. Why did Sebastian choose an expedition to Pakistan over the World Championship in Texas? Let's find out.
Joshua Rieger Adventure Tour | Gliding to Africa The Mountain Soaring team reports on their 10-day trip, carried out by four Tyrolean pilots with Stemme motor gliders.
Joshua Rieger Stefan Langer | SteFly and Thoughts About Gliding A conversation about Red Bull, Netflix, Stefly's product range, and Schleichers new AS 33 Me.
Hannah Schweckendiek Bitterwasser Lodge & Flying Centre | December 23 Recap The Bitterwasser team wishes you a happy new year 🎉 There is a lot to report from the last month. Hannah Schweckendiek keeps us up to date.
Joshua Rieger Schempp-Hirth | The New Ventus E and Visions for the Future We talk to Tilo Holighaus about the Ventus E, FES retrofits for the Discus and Duo Discus and a possible increase in the wingspan of the Ventus.
Joshua Rieger The New Diana 4 Glider by Avionic Avionic, the Polish company behind the successful Diana 2 glider is now turning to 18m class with the Diana 4, an electric self-launcher. We were curious about its price and performance.
Moritz Althaus Front Electric Sustainer | LZ Design An interview about the advantages the Front-Electric-Sustainer (FES), the long-awaited Arcus FES and electric gliders.
Hannah Schweckendiek Bitterwasser Lodge & Flying Centre | November 23 Recap Hannah Schweckendiek is spending the winter in Bitterwasser and is responsible for public relations there. She summarized the month of November for WeGlide magazine.
Joshua Rieger Alexander Schleicher | AS 35 and Electric Gliding Will there ever be a FES engine in a Schleicher aircraft? What is Schleicher's answer to the new JS5, and when is a new two-seater coming?
Moritz Althaus Jonker Sailplanes | Back to Open Class with the JS5 An interview with Uys Jonker about the upcoming JS5, electric gliders, and a possible double-seater from Jonker Sailplanes.
Joshua Rieger Namibia | Glider Pilots Fly One Million Kilometres Before the season starts, some quite interesting statistics from the last season. An article for Namibia enthusiasts, or those who want to fulfil their dream someday
Joshua Rieger Andrea Abt | Spread Your Wings and Fly A conversation with Andrea Abt about winning the DMSt women's ranking, exciting flights abroad, and women in gliding.
Samuel Leihkamm Ready for the season with Copilot New satellite imagery, navigation features, aircraft marking, tasks, and airspace information now in Copilot.
Moritz Althaus WeGlide Tasks in XCSoar Almost ten thousand tasks are declared and successfully circumnavigated with WeGlide each season. Now we have some exciting updates for you.
Samuel Leihkamm Push-Notifications Brand new: With push notifications from WeGlide, you'll never miss flights and comments from your friends again.
Samuel Leihkamm New: Custom waypoint files Keyboard support for the task planner, your own waypoint collections and a cleaner task overview page.
Samuel Leihkamm 3D Flight View WeGlide flights can now be viewed in 3D with all subscriptions. The feature is mature and works performant on mobile devices.
Moritz Althaus What You See Is All There Is This story is about seeing the bigger picture of what is going on in the atmosphere, about understanding how a day is developing.
Patrick McMahon Step 1: Proving Grounds Do you remember the first time you flew beyond final glide of your home gliderport? Did it feel rebellious, liberating, terrifying?
Moritz Althaus The Trick to Flying Faster On every single flight, we make hundreds of small mistakes. Understanding and adapting your flying style will help you increase your cross-country speed.
Moritz Althaus Custom Filters Announcing Custom Filters. See what interests you the most at a glance.
Moritz Althaus Distance Calculation Historically, there have been many different ways to calculate the distance between two points on earth. Which one is used by WeGlide?
Joshua Rieger Nederlandse Zweefvlieg Cup now on WeGlide We are proud to be the new host of the Dutch National Gliding Cup, NZC. Members of the national gliding committee encourage all pilots to join WeGlide.
Joshua Rieger LS 4 Jet Neo Charter in Worcester How about a gliding vacation in South Africa? For less than 1000€/week you can charter the LS 4 Jet Neo from M&D in Worcester.
Joshua Rieger NEW | Thermal Hotspots in WeGlide Copilot Ten million thermals and a motivated team. The result is a dynamic thermal hotspot map, now available in the Copilot App.
Joshua Rieger WeGlide Copilot | Real-time data on your phone After intensive work, we are introducing our new app. Copilot will make it easier for you to make strategic decisions in flight and boost your performance.
Michael Kost 2026 the Junior Worlds Will Take Place in Germany Luftsportring Aalen is awarded to host the World Junior Gliding Championships.
Joshua Rieger Our Shop is Online | Order your WeGlide Pullover Now We have a surprise for you just before Christmas: WeGlide merchandise!
Moritz Althaus Announcing the WeGlide Coach Should I have flown faster between thermals? Should I have taken more water with me? The WeGlide Coach now answers these questions for you.
Moritz Althaus User Messages We are thrilled to announce an exciting new feature on WeGlide, allowing you to connect with fellow glider pilots. Our platform now offers a messaging feature that allows you to communicate seamlessly with other pilots via email.
Moritz Althaus WeGlide Badges We are excited to finally announce WeGlide Badges, opening up new horizons for beginners and experienced pilots.
Johannes Dibbern XCSoar Update | Download Declared Tasks The newest XCSoar release brings Task Download to your device!
Moritz Althaus Weight & Wing Loading You can now enter your takeoff weight for each flight and let others know the wing loading you were flying at.
Moritz Althaus Compare Any Flight We have launched a long-requested feature: You can now compare a flight to any other flight of the same day, no matter if they have a meeting or not.
Joshua Rieger Zachary Yamauchi | Gliding in South Africa American junior pilot Zachary Yamauchi, one of this year's winners of the JSChallenge gives us some insights about the competition and how he managed to be on top of the scoring lists.
Joshua Rieger Fastest Man on Earth by Glider We have a new fastest man on earth. Not from Jamaica, but from Argentina instead. Let's get to know Juan Pablo Verdura and his wave flying in Argentina.
Joshua Rieger James Nugent | Redefining Club Class James Nugent, from Australia, stirred up the WeGlide ranking by doing an astonishing 1000km flight with his LS 3. We talk with him to find out how he did it!
Moritz Althaus Puimoisson | Gliding in Provence While this is not a classical interview of our winner series, Puimoisson topped the 2021 airfield ranking. We talk with Alfred Spindelberger about mountain flying, how safety has improved over the years, and future plans.
Moritz Althaus Eric Schneider | A Rising Star Eric Schneider will compete for Germany in the coming Junior World Championships. We talk with him about flying electric gliders and how we won the German Juniors.
Moritz Althaus Michael Sommer | Pushing the Limits We talk with Michael Sommer about his Out & Return ambitions and whether he will return to Grand Prix flying someday.
Moritz Althaus Katrin Senne | Escaping the Peloton Katrin has won the Women's Free and Sprint competition on WeGlide. An interview about gliding in South Africa and why Grand Prix flying is similar to a road bike race.
Moritz Althaus Yves Gerster | Never Stop Exploring Yves has shared many interesting flights with us this season. We got the chance to talk to him after he won the WeGlide Sprint competition for Europe.
Moritz Althaus Mathias Schunk | Alpine Adventures Mathias is one of Germany's most famous pilots and this year's winner of the WeGlide Explore cup.
Moritz Althaus Markus Geisen | Ridge Runner We were quite excited to talk to Markus, this year's winner of the WeGlide sprint competition.
Moritz Althaus Bernd Dolba | Under the African Sun Bernd has won the WeGlide Free competition for Africa. An interview about creativity and the right mindset for gliding.
Moritz Althaus LSV Rinteln | German Champion The LSV Rinteln team has won the DMSt Bundesliga. We talk with Reinhard Schramme about league flying and the Weser hills.
Joshua Rieger Exploring the Southern Alps | WeCoach Puimoisson The WeCoach winners Lukas Brune and Jannis Däuble report on their time in Puimoisson. Many impressions were made, and even a jump into the Massif Central was possible.
Karol Müller Gliding the redline | WeCoach Worcester, 2022 15.000 km and 130 hours of air time were the results of WeCoach 2022 in South Africa. Karol Müller talks about his adventure in Worcester.
Joshua Rieger Gliding in South Africa, Are You Excited? In February, we announced the start of the JSChallenge. Two juniors get the opportunity to experience an adventure in South Africa. Now the winners are nominated, let's get to know them.
Joshua Rieger WeCoach | A memorable experience at Puimoisson Eric Schneider and Gerrit Neugebauer had a great time in Puimoisson. Finally, the two wrote down a few impressions.