Survey results

Thanks to each of the 93 pilots who took their time to participate! Some extensive answers deserve their own response. Sadly we forgot to collect contact details, but feel free to contact us at Let's dive into the results.
How did you learn about WeGlide?
- 41% From club or friends - amazing to see that you are spreading the word
- 39% Social Media - people on Instagram seem to like your flight stories, a lot.
- 12% Press - Big thanks to, Segelfliegen Magazin and all the others who wrote about WeGlide.
- Other referral sources include Late Night Soaring, DAeC/Buko or online forums.
How do you like WeGlide?
The answer is "Love it" for 71% and "A lot" for 26%. The other answers were only clicked by one person each. We are flattered.
How is the feature scope?
This was a tricky one but intended. We wanted to know if we exaggerate our feature enthusiasm but all seems fine. We will continue to build cool stuff while keeping the functionality simple.
What would you improve?
Now it get's interesting. 48 of you got creative and wrote something. We read every single answer and discussed how to implement your suggestions. Here is a short overview.
- Table downloads
- Work on taskplaner - yes the custom waypoints are coming but this is hard
- More statistics - do you ever get enough numbers?
- Some minor stuff where we have to make the interface better
- Live scoring of competitions - we already did it!
- Social features like following, feed and flight comments - also done
- Android / iOS app - We would need a lot of money and time for that, maybe in the future.
- More local information for flight planing - @Stefan 1700 characters seems a lot for such a small field and you are right it's not Christmas yet.
- The map tiles look like shit - honourable mention
Wishes for the future
- 63% Deeper flight analysis - We get it, more numbers
- 56% Historical weather - Check it out by clicking the weather button on flights from after April 2021!
- 40% Local competitions - We would like this too!
- 30% More social features - Just went online, check it out.
- 15% Better articles and maps - We will expand the languages and topics for the magazine
Especially outside of Germany pilots are a bit frustrated by the lack of flights to compare to. We understand the issue and are working on it but we need you to spread the word about WeGlide and become vocal in your local community!
Feedback for the German Championships
Most participants are happy, a few argue the rules are too complex. For some the distance part counts too little, for others too much but the majority is happy with the current rules. The move to WeGlide for the championships is also well perceived.
We had a lot of fun reading the answers and are positively surprised by the number of participants. We will definitely do it again in 6 months or so. We got a lot of ideas for improvements from you and think that everyone will benefit from the actions that follow.